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Scalloped Potatoes with Cheddar Cheese and Mushroom Soup  

Corn Risotto Casserole  

Roasted Beets with Balsamic Glaze  

Roasted Broccoli and Carrots  

NoSaltAddedRecipes Logo

Low Salt, Low Fat, Low Sugar

Published by Mark J. Critoph and Melinda Critoph Neyer

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Taste, Taste, Taste
Special dietary programs recommended for certain medical conditions do not include consideration of the taste pleasures of life. The purpose of this website is to give people on specialized diets a place to go to find recipes that are delicious and easy to make. Each recipe is designed to reduce the salt, sugar, and saturated fats, while retaining the flavour of the dish.

For thousands of years, salt has been used to preserve food. As a result, people became used to the flavour of salt in their food. Today, salt is still utilized as a preservative in canned and frozen foods. People crave and have become addicted to the salty flavor in most these food products. The amount of salt contained in these manufactured foods and the table salt we add to dishes made from fresh ingredients, is much more than people these days require in their daily diet. Too much salt leads to hypertension (high blood pressure), weight gain through water retention, and various other health issues.

As with salt, North Americans consume more sugar and saturated fat than their bodies can effectively process. All three of these ingredients have been equated with flavour. In order for food processors to market their products to consumers conscious of reducing their consumption of these additives, they lower the amount of one of these additives and increase one or both of the others to make up for any perceived flavour loss. For example, diabetic recipes have too much salt or saturated fat. Heart friendly recipes have too much sugar. "Lower Fat" processed foods often contain too much salt and sugar.

The recipes on this site are an attempt to reduce our dependency on salt, sugar, and saturated fat for flavour. Spices, cooking styles, and portion control are used to increase flavour, help control weight, and to assist in treating many health issues suffered by people in our society today. Use the "Nutrition Breakdown" listed with each recipe as a guideline and do not hesitate to modify them to your specific health concern.

Note: The "Nutrition Breakdown" button will reveal each ingredient's nutritional value. The serving size on most of these breakdowns is 1 cup unless otherwise stated.

Please feel free to view and print any recipe that you wish. More recipes will appear soon.

If you are interested in contributing to our list of recipes, please contact us at our e-mail address listed below. We will research the nutritional breakdown, and publish your recipe on this site. We will list you as the contributor of your recipe. If one of your recipes does not reflect the dietary requirements of this site, we will modify your recipe to reflect the guidelines we have established. Also, please send us any comments or suggestions you may have to improve our website.

Number of public recipes: 360

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